Field Inclusive Anniversary Webinars
Join Field Inclusive for an Annual Celebration of the day our Organization was founded.
Find contact information for our speakers, along with their presentation PDF’s, recordings of the webinars, and any additional resources below.
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3 Year Anniversary Webinar
Speaker Reveal Coming Soon.

2 Year Anniversary Webinar with speaker Mamie Parker
Topic: There is a first for everything, and a big one came when the first Black regional director of Fisheries at US Fish and Wildlife Service was named. Come hear from Dr. Mamie Parker, former Head of Fisheries at US Fish & Wildlife Service and the current Commissioner of Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, about her journey into these important roles and how she has made an impact on inclusiveness in the field of wildlife and beyond.
Title: “Passion, Inspiration, and Excellence (PIE) in Field Inclusiveness”
Speaker Contact: staff@mamieparker.com

1 Year Anniversary Webinar with speaker Alex Troutman
Topic: Come learn about the history of inequities when it comes to the participation of minorities in the outdoors to understand why organizations like Field Inclusive are important!
Title: “Walking through the Nature Doorway, and Holding it Open for Others to Follow”
Speaker Contact: alexk.troutman@gmail.com;