• Experience Reflection: Cheyenne Thomas “This grant supplemented a stipend for my field assistants, who were able to participate in this fieldwork with the help of the Oneida Environmental Program and the Cultural Fire Management Council. With this collective funding, I was able to provide a livable stipend for multiple Indigenous students interested in this work…


  • Field Inclusive Experience Reflection: Killian Yevtyeyev “This opportunity, aimed towards helping novices like me gain a foothold in the field research field, and allowed me to gain first-hand experience in ornithological field research practices. This fellowship shined a new perspective on how I viewed the field of ornithology, and showed me that my true calling…


  • Experience Reflection: My-Lan Le “I wanted to make sure that any undergraduate students I recruited for fieldwork could participate regardless of how much field gear and prior wilderness experience they had. I believe fieldwork experiences should not be a financial burden. [This award] helped me facilitate a safe and positive field research experience for both…


  • Experience Reflection: Hannah Clipp “I am incredibly grateful to Field Inclusive and Wilson Ornithological Society for providing the funding that allowed me to attend the 2024 AOS conference… . Importantly, this was my first scientific conference presentation since graduating with my doctorate degree in August 2023, and this was the first time presenting my completed…


  • The Nature Conservancy – NC Chapter continues Sponsorship Support with Field Inclusive September 24, 2024 | FIELD INCLUSIVE For immediate release Contact: Field Inclusive; The Nature Conservancy – NC Chapter’s continued sponsorship continues to show their commitment to marginalized and historically excluded researchers who professionally work outdoors, allowing FI to have a further reach when providing support…


  • Experience Reflection : Kiedon Bryant “I would say that my experience at JMIH validated me as a researcher and also showed me that there is a place for someone like me in science. I hope my experience will inspire other minorities in STEM.” BY KIEDON BRYANT I would like to thank Field Inclusive and Tracy Aviary…
