Become a Sponsor
Sponsorship Program
Field Inclusive would not be able to host our events without the generous sponsorships we have receive. We hope to continue to offer new opportunities and experiences for marginalized and historically excluded individuals and due to that, we need your help. By becoming a FI sponsor, you will be knocking down financial barriers and furthering the development of marginalized and historically excluded individuals in the natural sciences.
Award Sponsorships
FI Research Award Sponsorship
You can sponsor a marginalized and historically excluded individual in any natural science discipline who participate in a research project that involves outdoor data collection with a minimum $500 sponsorship. Your sponsorship will be used towards field research. This includes, but is not limited to, equipment, housing, transportation, or temporary technician salary.
FI Travel Award Sponsorship
You can sponsor a marginalized and historically excluded individual with a minimum $2000 sponsorship and help them attend a scientific conference. Your sponsorship would be helping with registration fees, travel and lodging costs for the recipient who receives this award.
Program Sponsorships
You can sponsor a marginalized and historically excluded individual with a minimum $5000 sponsorship, which will help overcome financial barriers often associated with participating in unpaid fieldwork experiences. Your sponsorship would help with relocation fees, rent, groceries, and more for the recipient who receives this award.
Educational Programs
You can sponsor annual FI programs such as our Field Inclusive Week with a minimum $1000 sponsorship, which will help assist with general operating expenses, as well as compensating our featured speakers, OR annual inclusive programming such as our Beginning Birders Program with a sponsorship ranging anywhere from $200 to $1000, which will help assist with continued general operating expenses, and material and supply purchases.
Interested in being a Sponsor?